Monday, July 28, 2014

What is the American Bill of Rights?

The Bill of Rights is the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution. It guarantees personal liberties and rights, limits the power of the federal government, and reserves those powers not specifically mentioned in the Constitution for the state or the people. These ten amendments are listed below.
The First Amendment guarantees the freedom of religion, speech, press, and the right to peaceably protest and petition the government.
The Second Amendment is the right to bear arms.
The Third Amendment states that a soldier cannot be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner.
The Fourth Amendment grants protection of people and their possessions from unreasonable search or seizure, and it requires that warrants only be issued under probable cause.
The Fifth Amendment states that a person cannot be held for a capital of infamous crime unless indicted by a Grand Jury unless the case occurred in the military during a time of war or public danger. This Amendment also guarantees that a person cannot be required to be a witness against himself or deprived of life, liberty, or property. If private property is taken for public use, then the owner must receive fair compensation for that property.
The Sixth Amendment guarantees the right to a speedy and just trial by an impartial jury and the right to have counsel for defense for criminal cases.
The Seventh Amendment states that the right to trial by jury will be preserved in civil cases for those cases that exceed twenty dollars.
The Eighth Amendment states that excessive bail, fines, or cruel and unusual punishment cannot be inflicted.
The Ninth Amendment states that the rights written in the Constitution cannot deny or disparage other rights belonging to the people.
The Tenth Amendment states that the powers not specifically mentioned in the Constitution are reserved for the states or the people.

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