Thursday, September 20, 2018

How does Nicole express her transgender identity in Becoming Nicole?

Nicole Maines, the main figure in the autobiographical story "Becoming Nicole" took many actions to express her transgender identity. She was born male but apparently knew from a young age that she was "gender misidentified", and so she began to transition and act as a woman.
Many of the actions she took are common of people in the transgender community, such as dressing in a feminine way, wearing makeup, and growing her hair out. Eventually, she began undergoing hormone therapy to become more biologically feminine.
The most prominent step and most widely publicized action she took was her use of the female restroom at her school. She began using the female restroom but was eventually denied access to it because of her birth gender. She protested the decision and won a lawsuit against the school which says they cannot prevent transgenders from using the bathroom of the gender with which they identify.

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