Friday, December 13, 2019

A foil is a character who contrasts with another character in order to highlight various features of their personalities. Compare/contrast Winston Smith of George Orwell's 1984 to/with John Preston in the movie Equilibrium (directed by Kurt Wimmer). Please provide three quotes with analysis to support character changes throughout the film and novel.

There are a number of quotes from both the film and novel that could connect these two characters, and I’d like to suggest a number of areas to hone your search. There are several connecting elements to each story I believe you should consider.
First, consider the worlds in which they live. Both Smith and Preston find themselves living in police states, but while Winston is a simple clerk, John Preston is a member of the police force—and an elite member at that. Both are responsible for some revision of history in their professions, though they approach it in dramatically different ways: Smith with the pen, Preston with violence and fire. You might look into quotes about their jobs to support these similarities and differences.
You might also find quotes that support the similarities between the images of Big Brother in 1984 and Father in Equilibrium. Both represent the government at large, and both are little more than propaganda. One is tied to fear and the other benevolence through the offering of Prozium.
Secondly, I think you’ll find plentiful contrasts in their successes and failures. Consider the ending of each text. Does Winston Smith get what he wants in the end? Does John Preston? One is far more successful than the other. While both men find women who help them achieve a kind of enlightenment in the face of totalitarianism, those relationships also end very differently.

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