Monday, August 27, 2018

Why do the other students feel so strongly about Stargirl’s cheering for the other team? How could Leo’s observation above help explain it?

Stargirl stands out because she cheers for everyone—even the other team. She gives the opposing team a welcome cheer, cheers whenever a basket is scored by either team, and even cheers for things in daily life that happen off the basketball court.
Stargirl's cheers for the opposing team are significant because the Electrons are performing extremely well this year. Their record last year was not so great, but the team spirit rises this year as the team is undefeated. Now that they are winning, the students have a stronger allegiance toward their team:

One day we were bored, indifferent, satisfied losers; the next we were rabid fanatics, stomping in the grandstand, painting our faces green and white, and doing the wave as if we had been perfecting it for years.

Since they are now "rabid fanatics," they are harsher toward their opponents. That is why the students feel so strongly about Stargirl cheering for the other team. They lose their sense of good sportsmanship and want to crush the opponents. By cheering for everyone, Stargirl does not share this sentiment and goes against the crowd.

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