Tuesday, April 3, 2018

What character traits does Cassius demonstrate in act 1, scene 2, as he tries to persuade Brutus to join the conspiracy?

Cassius reveals his crafty, manipulative personality in act 1, scene 2, as he begins to influence Brutus into conspiring against Julius Caesar. Cassius is an astute man who recognizes Brutus's integrity and noble character. He is aware that Brutus is motivated by honor and is not a selfish individual, which is why he carefully poses the argument for Caesar's death in a way that makes it seem like they will be saving the Roman populace from tyranny. Cassius appeals to Brutus's noble personality and prestigious family history by mentioning Brutus's famous ancestor who saved the Republic by defeating a tyrant. During their conversation, Cassius is also portrayed as an articulate man who displays his capacity for dissembling. He does not betray his true intentions for using Caesar's death for personal gain and instead portrays himself as a concerned senator who desires to protect the Roman populace from tyranny and to defend the Republic, which noble Romans fought to establish. Cassius's psychological insight into Brutus's motivating factors and his ability to pose an intriguing, moving argument depict him as an astute, convincing politician.

Cassius shows considerable cunning in persuading Brutus to join the conspiracy. He also displays great psychological insight into what makes Brutus tick. He knows that Brutus has a very high opinion of himself as well as a devotion to noble ideals. Cassius plays upon this, as well as Brutus's famed honesty and integrity, to try to get him involved in the assassination plot. Though Cassius himself is largely motivated by personal gain, he's aware that Brutus has much more noble motives in life. Brutus cares for the good of Rome, and genuinely believes that his friend Caesar plans to destroy the Republic and make himself king. Cassius exploits Brutus's concerns to the full, presenting his opposition to Caesar as being borne out of a love of liberty, which is under serious threat from Caesar.

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