The existence of a global nursing shortage has been widely documented. Thus in writing an essay about the topic, one does not need to prove that such a shortage exists but instead focus on some one aspect of the shortage.
There are two key elements to the nursing shortage, one on the supply side and one on the demand side. On the demand side, the world's population is increasing and people are living longer, meaning that there is a dramatically increasing elderly population with chronic diseases in need of extended duration nursing care. On the supply side, nursing schools have been struggling to expand training capacity and attract qualified applicants.
In an essay about the nursing shortage, one can focus either on the supply side or the demand side of the issue and address it either locally or globally. The subject is complex enough so that it is unlikely that one could successfully cover all the elements of the issue in a single paper.
A supply side paper could focus on either the issue of expanding nursing school capacity, which involves issues of government funding for higher education or on increasing the number of people attracted to the profession and retaining those currently in the profession. Although RNs make above the median US wage, for example, other nursing staff are paid less, and even RNs may not be accorded the same pay and respect as other highly trained professionals such as doctors and lawyers. Working conditions can be extremely stressful, with long hours and high patient to nurse ratios, which impact the ability of RNs to do their jobs effectively. Some hospitals try to attract nurses with signing bonuses, but for many nurses, working conditions are actually the critical issue. An essay on this topic might focus on how to attract more applicants to nursing schools, how to retain nurses and prevent burnout, or how a specific hospital or facility could attract more nursing staff.
On the demand side, one could write an essay about the increased demand for nurses in developed countries due to aging populations and how new home care technology could reduce the need for nursing staff by increasing monitoring and being integrated with telehealth technology.
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
How can I write an essay about the nursing shortage?
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