Friday, July 20, 2012

In Leaders: The Strategies For Taking Charge, explain what is meant by “organizational positioning.” What conclusions can be drawn from the Global Airways case study?

Warren G. Bennis and Burt Nanus describe organizational positioning as the position of the organization relative to the environment that is in relationship with the organization. An organization's environments can be understood as external situations that impact the success of the organization's vision and profitability. Environments might be the industry, the government or the economy. Organizational positioning is also related to organizational vision and trust. Bennis and Nanus suggest that trust within an organization depends upon being able to predict outcomes with a high degree of probability. Trust is maintained through a clear, attractive vision and through leadership's positioning: (a) leadership's position "in relation to the organization" and (b) how leadership positions the "organization relative to the environment" it relates to. The Global airlines case study illustrates organizational positioning being identified, prioritized and maximized using the QUEST method (Quick Environmental Scanning Technique).Identifying changing organizational positioning needs by using QUEST and cross-impact matrix charts led Global to make action decisions such as changing Global's route structure, acquiring a chain of travel agencies, increasing government lobbying to attain preferential fuel allocation, and redesigning Global's aircraft fleet to increase passenger capacity.A conclusion regarding Global Airlines that might be drawn from their case study is that Global's decision making, as a prioritized response to the most radical future impact scenarios facing them, led to significant actions that successfully altered Global's continuing profitability. We can conclude also that had Global not identified and taken action steps, the impact of the changing environments would later have confronted Global Airlines with "radically changed futures" from which Global would not have had time or means to productively recover.

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