Friday, November 18, 2011

What is a detailed analysis of the poem "Desiderata" by Max Ehrmann?

"Desiderata" means "things wanted or needed." In the context of the poem, the speaker is sharing with his readers what he desires them to do in the form of directives such as "Go placidly amid the noise and haste" and "Avoid loud and aggressive persons." We may assume these desires for the reader are desires the speaker has for himself, in order to live a "cheerful" and "happy" life.
In order to find happiness, the speaker suggests to his readers that they stay firm in their convictions but do so in a gentle way: "Speak your truth quietly and clearly." Much of the poem focuses on not drawing a lot of attention to yourself; rather, joy can be found in being "humble" and avoiding "compar[ing] yourself with others." The speaker also urges us to put our faith in a master plan we do not understand, as "no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should."
While words of advice are given, caution is also shared, because "the world is full of trickery" and "sham, drudgery, and broken dreams." Despite these warnings, the poem ends on a positive directive, urging us to "Strive to be happy."
The poem's lacks any set rhythm or meter; instead, it is written in prose-like language that speaks directly to its audience, making it easily accessible to a wide range of readers. Because of its optimistic outlook and reminder to find quiet and solitude in a hectic world, "The Desiderata" remains a favorite among many today.

In a way, a person might consider this poem to be a thoughtfully and beautifully worded list of imperative statements that offer advice about how the reader can achieve contentment and even happiness in a world "With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams"; "it is still a beautiful world," according to the poem's speaker. The speaker first encourages us as readers to adopt a calm demeanor, to "be on good terms" with people as much as possible, and to listen to everyone, while still speaking our individual truths. The next stanza advises that we avoid people who are toxic and that we likewise avoid comparing ourselves to others. The third stanza suggests that we work hard in our chosen career, exercising caution in business and yet maintaining an open mind about people. Next, the speaker tells us to be true to ourselves, not to fake love or be pessimists about it, because it is "perennial" (i.e., it always returns). In the fifth stanza, we learn to listen to our elders and nurture our own spiritual strength so that we can weather misfortunes. The speaker also advises that we do not borrow trouble, so to speak, and that we treat ourselves gently. In the sixth stanza, the speaker insists that we "have a right to be here" just as the stars and trees do, and "no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should." In the penultimate stanza, the speaker again advises that we "be at peace" within and without, because, as the eighth stanza claims, the world is still beautiful despite its brokenness. We can and should still "Be cheerful" and "Strive to be happy."
This poem is empowering, in part because it seems to imply that our own happiness is a matter of choice. It does not suggest that we will not endure pain or that we will not encounter deception and wickedness, but it does suggest that we can choose to remain open and hopeful, and it is in this way that we will find some measure of beauty, joy, and peace.

"Desiderata" by Max Ehrmann is a didactic, or morally instructive, prose poem that addresses the challenges of living in a harsh world and provides practical advice for how to weather those challenges and achieve contentment. The poem stresses the importance of remaining calm, despite the barrage of outside forces that threaten to disturb our ability to feel tranquil. It also hails the power of love—particularly God’s love—to help us feel at peace with ourselves.
"Desiderata" consists of eight stanzas, each of which provides specific advice for achieving personal contentment in a harsh and unforgiving world. Ehrmann claims that by respecting others, speaking the truth, practicing tolerance, and following our passions in life and career, the ability to feel calm and content comes within our reach. Erhmann’s poem is one inspiration and optimism. It emphasizes the importance of affirming ourselves, growing from our experiences, and drawing on our inner strengths, and it confirms our ability feel tranquil.

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