Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Why is the BFG excited about the first dream he catches?

The BFG and Sophie are in Dream Country catching dreams. The BFG catches dreams which he then shoots into children's rooms at night. He's always on the lookout for really good dreams, or "phizzwizards," as he calls them. At the same time, the BFG is looking to trap "trogglehumpers," which are the worst kind of nightmares. On this particular occasion, the BFG ends up catching both kinds of dream.
First of all, he catches a real phizzwizard and is understandably excited, as it's the best dream he's ever caught—a golden one, no less. Then, a few moments later, he catches a particularly nasty trogglehumper. When the BFG catches such nightmares, he always locks them away in a jar so that they can't harm anyone. Sophie can tell that this particular trogglehumper's especially horrible as it's a weird blob shape that thrashes around angrily inside the jar.

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