Friday, November 9, 2018

I am in the process of writing an argumentative/research essay in Women's studies and I don't understand the first question to integrate into my writing. "Which theoretical concepts will be helpful to develop an analytical framework that explains the problem (women's self esteem and media)."Please help!

When studying women's self esteem and media, researching feminist theory, media studies, and social psychology can be helpful. In terms of feminist theory, it is crucial to understand and apply an intersectional lens to this topic. Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw originally coined this term in 1989 to describe the how race and gender shape Black women's experiences in ways not solely contained to race or gender based discrimination, but a combination of both. Women's self esteem is heavily impacted by the images they see in the media, which are often young, white, cisgender, heterosexual, thin, conventionally attractive, abled bodies. This gives a very limited view of what a woman should look and act like, and disproportionately affects women of color, LGBTQ+ women, disabled women, and so on, as they are even less represented in media.
Objectification theory, posed by Fredrickson and Roberts in the Psychology of Women Quarterly journal in 1997, posits that girls and women internalize the objectification of their bodies that they see in the media and in everyday life. This internalization of negative body image leads to disordered eating, habitual self-monitoring, and increased shame and anxiety. If you are looking for specific theories to jump-start your research, this may be a good place to start.

Research on the relationship between media and self-esteem may be based in media theory and feminist theory; both draw heavily on critical cultural studies. In recent years, numerous analysts in feminist media studies have critiqued underlying assumptions and incorporated new avenues of research. Currently, attention to social media has become prominent, overshadowing the previous focus on mainstream media, especially television and magazines. Body image, including aspects such as race, gender, and sexual identity, plays a large role in self-esteem. Theories of intersectionality are especially applicable to this line of research.
Research into self-esteem has increased lately due to a growing recognition of the importance of self-esteem for identity formation among children, adolescents, and young adults, who constitute the majority of users of social media and obtain the majority of their information from it. The racial and gendered dimensions of social media usage are likewise coming under increasing scrutiny. The positive potential uses of social media for LGBTQ people, contrasted to the promotion of heterosexual or cisgender images and the tendency to ignore or denigrate LGBT identities, is also gaining attention.
In addition, the long-term focus on body image in feminist scholarship has broadened to include emotional and intellectual issues, such as depictions of female involvement in pastimes, academic studies, and careers that have traditional gender biases. Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) disciplines have received particular scrutiny.

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