Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Enumerate the conquests achieved by the Prince of Morocco with his scimitar.

In Act II, Scene I, the Prince of Morocco enters. Displaying his scimitar, the Prince states several things he has achieved, as well as several others he would do to win Portia. While the Prince is carrying his scimitar, not all the achievements correlate directly to sword-fighting. This list includes all his achievements and mentions proposed actions that would impress Portia. She has actually only asked him to open a casket, not to fight anyone with the scimitar, so he seems to be misjudging the criteria.
The feats he has achieved are directed toward other rulers of comparable status to his own: the Sophy, a prince, and a sultan. He then presents two human characteristics he would outdo, the eyes and the heart. Finally, he mentions two ferocious animals, the bear and the lion.
1. “That slew the Sophy” – this is an archaic version of “Sufi,” formerly used for the Shah of Persia, and last known to be used by Ismael in the late 15th century.” Both are roughly equivalent to King
2. “…and a Persian prince.” He says he also “slew” him. This is a reference to a lower ranking ruler of Persia.
3. “That won three fields of Sultan Solyman…” Here he refers to Suleiman I, often known as Suleiman the Magnificent, was the tenth Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. The longest-reigning sultan, he ruled from 1520–1566. As Persia and the Ottoman Empire were two of the largest conquest states known in the Elizabethan period, the Moroccan prince is inflating his status by claiming to have bested them in battle.
The last set of warrior-like actions are things he would do in the future rather than achievements he has already done. Two pertain to the qualities of warriors. In both statements, the Prince is emphasizing the qualities of warriors such as the three he just mentioned: stern eyes and a daring heart. In these cases, he is describing personal actions and attitudes, achievements that would not need the scimitar. “I would o'erstare the sternest eyes that look/ “Outbrave the heart most daring on the earth,…”
Finally, he states two more things he would do for Portia. “Pluck the young sucking cubs from the she-bear, / Yea, mock the lion when he roars for prey.” Here, the Prince is comparing two animals known to be fierce—a bear and a lion—and thus equating their qualities with those of the warriors in the two preceding lines. “Pluck” and “mock” also do not refer to the sword, although he probably would want to have it for backup.

Hoping to win Portia's admiration with tales of his courage and martial prowess, the Prince of Morocco brags to her about his feats with his scimitar. A scimitar is a Middle Eastern sword that is short and has a curved blade.
The Prince of Morocco says he has done the following with his scimitar:
He has killed the "sophy," or ruler, of Persia.
He has killed a Persian prince.
He has defeated the Sultan Solyman three times in battle.
The Prince also claims that he would be willing to stare down the fiercest foe, grab cubs from a nursing bear, and brave lions with his scimitar in order to win Portia's heart.
However, as we get to know Portia better, we realize that she is unlikely to be impressed with this kind of bragging about savagery and would much prefer a man with a merciful heart.

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