Thursday, May 16, 2013

How can I answer the following prompt on social criticism? Many of the works we've read this semester have featured critical perspectives on social customs. Pick one work from each major period of Ancient, Medieval, and Renaissance history and discuss how the authors use literature to point out social problems.

Aristophanes's Clouds is an important ancient work addressing the social problem of education. Both Socrates and the sophists represented new approaches to tertiary education, something that previously did not exist in Greece. It shows how education that provides technical skills without moral grounding can lead to a technocracy abusing intellectual power to defraud the naive.
The Book of the City of Ladies by Christine de Pizan is a medieval work that engages in questions about the role of women. The imaginary city is one unlike Christine's actual world in that it shows how a society could be created to allow women to use their strength and intelligence to benefit both themselves and their societies as a whole.
Revenge tragedy is a type of Renaissance drama known for its melodramatic and violent plots. In showing the vices of unbridled power and the way absolute authority leads to authoritarianism and abuse of power, it serves as a critique of monarchical and oligarchical political systems. The Revenger's Tragedy, for example, although overtly simply condemning the vices of one evil family, is grounded in a political system with no legal counterweight to absolute rule.

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