Saturday, December 2, 2017

If a genie entered the life of Tom Sawyer, what are the three wishes Tom would make in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer?

His three wishes would probably include the following.
First, I wish that Becky Thatcher would fall head over heels in love with me. That way I wouldn't have to give her my favorite treasures, like my prized brass door-knob.
Second, I wish I didn't have to go to school each day. Then I could spend each day doing something much more worthwhile than being stuck in a classroom, like swimming or playing pirates.
And thirdly, I wish that Aunt Polly was more of a pushover. She's always yelling at me for the slightest little thing. Every time I want to have fun she does her damndest to spoil everything. If only she could have more of a soft touch then all my problems would disappear. I'd be able to do whatever I like, whenever I like, without worrying about getting a good switching or being forced to whitewash a fence.

In Mark Twain’s novel, Tom Sawyer stands out for being no fan of rules, schedules, or authority. If a genie came into his life, one wish he might make would be to have school abolished, or at least end the requirement that he attend it. Tom is well known for having a strong escapist streak, and he is committed to the importance of having fun over doing work. Another possible wish he could make is to live as a pirate, which is one of his favorite role-playing games. Tom is also extremely fond of Becky Thatcher. Although both of them are too young to think about any long-term relationship, it seems likely that Tom would wish to become her boyfriend.

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