Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Using act 3, scene 1, address the 5 W's (who, what, when, where, why) and how in an opening paragraph to a news article.

You will want to rewrite what is below to make it your own, but a who, what, when, where, and why opening paragraph for a news story about act 3, scene 1, would read something like what follows. Please note that after this roughed-in paragraph, I have added some points you will definitely want to consider to improve and add to the information on the who, what, when, where, and why of this scene. This paragraph is only a starter to stimulate your thought and creativity:

Two men are dead and one sentenced to exile after violating the street-fighting ban imposed yesterday by Prince Escalus. According to witnesses, Tybalt Capulet challenged Romeo Montague to a sword-fight at the height of today's afternoon heat. When Romeo refused to fight, citing the Prince's ban and saying, cryptically, that he had reason to love Tybalt despite the ongoing feud between the two families, Mercutio, the Prince's cousin, stepped in to do battle. Still trying to prevent a fight, witnesses recount, Romeo stepped between the two men, distracting Mercutio and allowing Tybalt to land the fatal blow. Witnesses then say that Romeo made an about-face from peacemaking. Horrified at having been the cause of the death of a man witnesses say he considered one of his closest friends, Romeo engaged in heated and overwrought sword-fighting with Tybalt, rapidly killing him. When the Prince and members of both families arrived at the bloody scene, the Capulets quickly blamed Romeo for the carnage and demanded his life in accordance with the Prince's recent decree. The Montagues, however, came forward to plead for Romeo's life, arguing that he only did what the law would have done to Tybalt for killing Mercutio. Prince Escalus therefore passed a sentence of perpetual banishment from Verona on Romeo, warning him his return would carry the death penalty.

As a quick recap, especially to help you with rewording this and adding more detail, please address the following:
Who: the main players in this scene are Mercutio, Romeo, Tybalt, and the Prince. You might want to note Benvolio's presence and perhaps name him as a source, and you will also want to specify which Montagues and Capulets spoke to the Prince, as this is important news information.
What: this scene is newsworthy because it ended in the death of two young men—you might mention they were both young and offer some background on the feuding, such as that the Prince had broken up a street-fight with no fatalities just the day before.
When: I have it placed earlier in the day—you may want to have this as a news story breaking a day later. Note that the event happened in the afternoon.
Where: the streets of Verona—you might want to check the scene to see if there is more specific information about where the fight occurred and include that.
Why: the implied explanation for why this happened is the ongoing family feud. I have not fleshed this out. You might want to supply more on Romeo's mysterious behavior and perhaps note that witnesses are confused as to why he initially refused to fight Tybalt.

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