Tuesday, November 7, 2017

In 5 pages The best and worst president from President Washington to President Buchanan

Who you write about for this paper is up to you, but many historians to date believe that Buchanan was the nation's worst President (see the source below). Elected in 1856, Buchanan failed to understand the importance of the issue of slavery and failed to prevent the Civil War, which officially broke out during Lincoln's administration in 1861.
When he assumed office, Buchanan, a Democrat from Pennsylvania, believed that the slavery issue had been resolved with the Dred Scott case (which the Supreme Court decided in 1857). This case stated that slaves were property, not citizens, and could not sue for their freedom, even in the North. The case also allowed the expansion of slavery into the territories. The case sparked further controversy between abolitionists and pro-slavery forces, but Buchanan, who believed in states' rights, did nothing to stave off the oncoming war.
When the states in the Confederacy began to secede, or break away from the Union, Buchanan thought that it was not within the power of the federal government to stop them. As a result, it was up to his successor, Abraham Lincoln, to fight the Confederacy to restore the Union. Buchanan was clearly not up to the challenge of keeping the Union intact during a crisis.
Who you choose as the best President is up to you. Many might select our first President, Washington. He set an example to the nation by stepping down after his second four-year term, thereby establishing a precedent. His supporters asked him to stay on, but he refused, setting a standard for democracy. He also foresaw the difficulties that party divisions and geographical divisions would bring about, and he warned the nation to resolve these issues in his famous "Farewell Address."

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