Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Tell how the Main character in "The Yellow Wallpaper" is a dynamic, round character by examining her development over the course of the story.

The main character of "The Yellow Wallpaper" can easily be called a round, dynamic character. In fact, the entirety of the story revolves around her dynamic change, a miserable slip into madness. In the beginning, the narrator seems reliable enough. She harbors some animosity towards her husband, who has placed her on a rest cure after she shows symptoms of a "temporary nervous depression."
The narrator has very little stimulus in her room other than the wallpaper, over which she slowly begins to obsess. It is here that we begin to see the dynamic change occurring within the protagonist. She begins to attribute strange characteristics to the wallpaper, such as a "breakneck pattern." Her psychosis peaks when she begins to believe that a woman is lurking behind the pattern of the wallpaper.
The narrator reaches the climax of her dynamic change on the last day of her rest cure. She believes she must free the woman in the pattern and strips away all the remaining wallpaper. Her husband faints when he finds her circling the room, asking if she "got out at last." The dynamic narrator ends her transformation as the personification of the woman trapped in the wallpaper.

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