Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Discuss what qualities of Gortsby are evident in a passage from the text.

Given that you did not specify which passage, this answer will address numerous passages and the qualities present in the protagonist for each passage.
Saki's short story "Dusk" tells of Norman Gortsby's night sitting on a bench during dusk.

The scene pleased Gortsby and harmonised with his present mood. Dusk, to his mind, was the hour of the defeated.

This passage speaks of two possible qualities present in Gortsby. First, Gortsby seems to possess a defeatist quality. Given that he has positioned himself in the middle of the "hour of the defeated" could identify Gortsby as defeated himself. On the other hand, one could identify the quality of confidence in Gortsby. He realizes his circumstances and is confident he belongs at this place at this time.

"It was a pity," mused Gortsby; "the going out to get one's own soap was the one convincing touch in the whole story, and yet it was just that little detail that brought him to grief."

This passage illustrates Gortsby's practicality. He thinks about the young man's story and the validity of his story. This passage, as Gortsby considers the "facts," shows him to be practical. He looks at the realities and possible falsehoods the young man presented. He finds that the young man must have been lying, given the inability to present the soap, "the one convincing touch."

In another moment Gortsby was scudding along the dusk-shrouded path in anxious quest for a youthful figure in a light overcoat.

Here, Gortsby proves to possess a giving quality. Since the soap has been found, Gortsby now knows that the young man has been telling the truth. He wishes to help the young man. By helping the young man who is down on his luck, Gortsby proves to possess a giving nature.

"Poor boy, he as nearly as possible broke down," said Gortsby to himself. "I don't wonder either; the relief from his quandary must have been acute. It's a lesson to me not to be too clever in judging by circumstances."

Here, Gortsby proves to be humble and open. Gortsby now realizes that "judging a book by its cover" is not the right way to go forward in life. He has learned a lesson, and his own thinking has been changed.
In the end, Gortsby realizes that his first impression of the young man was correct, as the soap actually belongs to the elderly man. The young man has, in fact, scammed Gortsby. Therefore, at the close of the story, Gortsby possesses the quality of being cynical. Although he is right in his initial assessment of the young man, the young man is able to successfully con him. Therefore, Gortsby feels defrauded, and because of that, he also possesses the quality of cynicism.

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