Friday, June 13, 2014

Why is Nicolas in court in Breathing Underwater?

Nick has been taken to court by Caitlyn. She's seeking a restraining order after Nick hit her. Nick doesn't appear to think he's done anything wrong; he's arrogant and disrespectful towards the judge and seems totally unaware of the harm he's caused. The judge grants Caitlyn's request and issues a restraining order. From now on, Nick's not allowed to contact Caitlyn in any way, not even talk to her at school. If he breaks the terms of the restraining order, the judge warns him that he'll go straight to jail.
For good measure, the judge also orders Nick to attend anger management classes, where it is hoped he will begin to address his unacceptable behavior. Nick must also keep a journal, consisting of 500 words a week, in which he should detail everything that's happened between himself and Caitlyn, from the moment they first met to the day of the court hearing. The judge hopes that this exercise will make Nick learn from his mistakes.

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