Saturday, January 11, 2014

Why do people wear hijabs?

The Holy Book, Koran , tradition (politics) and culture ( tribes) from a 6th century , has been interpreting and changing the purposes of wearing a hijab. Hijab is a wail is also recognized from non Islamic sources, such as Holy Mary wore a wail/headscarf. Wearing headscarf was also an indicator that women is form higher social status.

Some people wear a hijab, because it is a symbol of their modesty and devotion to their god. While most refer to a hijab as the scarf that covered the head and chest of a woman, this can also include any clothing that masks the head, face, or body for modesty. Many believe no man other than their husband or immediate family should see them without their hijab and that their gods frown upon immodesty. Contrary to popular belief, many Muslim women are not, however obliged to wear hijabs, they do so by choice and have free will to take them off, should they so choose.

Many Muslim women wear hijab because they believe it is a command from God to maintain their modesty in the presence of unrelated males. Verse 24:31 in the Quran, the Muslim holy book, states, “And tell the believing women to…draw their veils over their chests and not expose their adornments…” Muslim women who choose to wear headcovers abide by this verse and use the hijab to display their devotion to their faith.
However, hijab is not simply a matter of clothing. The principle of modesty portrayed by hijab applies to both men and women and should be manifested in both physical appearance and behavior. This can include limiting interaction with unrelated members of the opposite gender or choosing to wear clothes that do not reveal the body. For this reason, many Muslim women choose not to wear headcovers; they believe that the modesty required by Islam can be achieved by other means.

The word hijab means a covering, and is worn by mostly women in the Islamic culture. It covers not only the head, but the neck, chest, and A portion of the face as well. As a tradition, the hijab represents modesty and is worn in front of any man who is not a close relative. It is not required to be worn in front of relatives, or other Muslim women. Another way to explain the purpose of wearing a hijab, is to "guard their modesty, which covers private parts, such as a women's chest or bosom. While the hijab is commonly associated with women, Muslim men have also been known to wear one as well as a means of showing modesty.

Hijab is an Arabic word meaning cover or partition. It is a principle of modesty that includes both behavior and styles of dress for men and women, yet it is in relation to specific items of clothing worn by some Muslim women that the word is most commonly used. What is often referred to as a hijab is a garment which must be worn by a woman in the presence of any man who could potentially marry her. This is to preserve the woman's modesty.
The principle of hijab can manifest itself in many different forms of clothing, and there is great variety in how Muslim women can preserve their modesty. Some women choose a simple headscarf, whereas others opt for a full-length garment that leaves everything covered up except the eyes. Although the principle of hijab is set out in the Quran, its manifestation is largely determined by culture. So in some parts of the Muslim world, the full-length covering will predominate, whereas in others the simple head-scarf will be more common.

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