Wednesday, September 4, 2013

What is the job of a union treasurer?

The specific duties and responsibilities of the Treasurer in an organized labor union, like the Treasurer of any organization, varies according to the bylaws of the specific union. In general, however, the Treasurer is usually responsible for keeping accurate records of the union's finances, collecting membership dues and maintaining membership records, assisting in the preparation of the union's budget, managing its finances, and—in some cases—signing or counter-signing checks and other financial instruments.
Under the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959, a union's Treasurer is classified as an organizational officer which means they must be elected by the membership at three to five year intervals. In addition, the act requires the Treasurer to sign, under penalty of perjury, the union's annual financial report and to file it with the United States Department of Labor.
The Wisconsin Education Association Council, the teacher union of Wisconsin, provides a set of model bylaws to its organizing sections. Those model bylaws offer the following description of the office of Treasurer, which establishes a set of job duties customary to similar offices in most unions:

The Treasurer shall hold the funds of the ASSOCIATION and disburse them upon authorization by the Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall maintain a roll of the members. The Treasurer shall keep accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements, shall report to each meeting of the General Membership, and shall prepare an annual financial statement for publication to members as directed by the Executive Committee informed of the financial condition of the ASSOCIATION, shall be bonded by the ASSOCIATION, shall assist the Budget committee in the initial drafting of the annual budget and shall file such reports with the Internal Revenue Service or the Department of Labor as are required by law.

In some unions, the role of Treasurer has been combined with that of Secretary to create a hybrid office of Secretary-Treasurer. This is the case, for instance, with the Communications Workers of America.

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