Tuesday, April 23, 2013

What are the purpose, value, and limitation for the speech given by HenryCabot Lodge in August l9l9 addressing the issue of the League of Nations?

In 1919, Senator Henry Cabot Lodge gave a powerful speech in which he opposed President Wilson's League of Nations. After World War I, a distinctly isolationist mood came over the United States. To many it seemed that America, having helped win the war, should no longer involve itself deeply in foreign affairs. The prevailing attitude was that other countries should sort out their own problems instead of expecting the United States to bail them out.
That being the case, there was inevitably widespread opposition to Wilson's League of Nations proposal, and Senator Cabot Lodge was one of its leading voices. The main thrust of his famous speech was that the League of Nations would impede America's sovereignty as an independent nation. Cabot Lodge invokes American exceptionalism in support of his argument, claiming that what made America great—its long-standing tradition of liberty—would be threatened by involvement in other countries' affairs:

The United States is the world's best hope, but if you fetter her in the interests and quarrels of other nations, if you tangle her in the intrigues of Europe, you will destroy her power for good and endanger her very existence. Leave her to march freely through the centuries to come as in the years that have gone.

Cabot Lodge believes that the best way for the United States to serve humankind is not through joining some well-meaning, but fatally flawed international organization, but by continuing to be a beacon of liberty: strong, generous, and confident. The tried and tested ideal of American liberty is always to be preferred to the undoubtedly noble, yet risky vision of international peace and concord that inspired the founding of the League of Nations.
The value of Cabot Lodge's speech lies in its eloquent articulation of the anti-League position. In giving his speech, Cabot Lodge presents his arguments, not as a knee-jerk reaction, but as a rational, thoughtful reply to Wilson's proposals, a considered response that is steeped in the finest traditions of American liberty.
The main limitation of the speech lies in its complacency. Cabot Lodge appears to think that insisting on the value of American liberty and keeping out of other countries' affairs is somehow enough to ensure a safer, more peaceful world. His whole approach to the issue of establishing peace in the post-war world shows a certain lack of understanding of the complexities involved. He fails to see that world peace is something that has to be constantly worked for, something that can only really come about through an active involvement with international affairs and building firm alliances with other countries to keep their common foe at bay.
In short, Cabot Lodge doesn't offer any constructive or meaningful alternative to the League of Nations. And although his arguments against the League specifically may be persuasive in many respects, they do not, in and of themselves, constitute a compelling case for disengaging from world affairs in general.

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