Tuesday, August 14, 2012

How is the theme of bravery explored in Coraline?

Coraline, written by Neil Gaiman, has many themes. One of the major themes in this novel is the theme of bravery or courage.
In this story, Coraline must overcome many of her own fears. She must use her independence to find her parents when she learns they have been kidnapped by her "other mother" in the alternate world Coraline discovers. She is very courageous in that she enters this new world in the first place. Once there, Coraline discovers an evil look-alike for her mother; this doppelgänger has buttons for eyes. Coraline must be brave in order to defeat this version of her mother, and in doing so, she saves other people: the three children the other mother has also kidnapped.
Even though Coraline is frightened during her journey, she does not get help from the police, something a less brave person would do. Coraline understands that she is very resourceful. This resourcefulness is something she learned growing up and being alone most of the time, because her parents were working.
Coraline bravely continues to choose to be optimistic in her life. By choosing to believe that anything is possible and that she will be able to defeat her other mother, Coraline does just this, with the help of a cat.
Throughout the story, Coraline learns to understand that things aren't always as they seem. Understanding this concept is something that happens when one is forced to grow up. Accepting this as a fact is a brave and courageous thing.

Bravery is a big part of Coraline's story as told by author Neil Gaiman. She shows her fearlessness in the way she explores the strange house, and when she realizes that another whole world awaits, she boldly steps into it. When she encounters a woman who looks just like her mother—but has button eyes—she confronts the woman instead of running away. Even when she is later double-crossed by the "other mother," Coraline bravely devises a spur-of-the-moment plan to escape from this woman by getting the cat to jump onto the woman's face. Despite being afraid of this woman, Coraline refuses to back down and let her win. Later, when she starts thinking about the fact that she had risked her life and wondering why she had done it, she comes to the realization that she is brave enough to fight for the freedom of those she loved. Throughout the book, Coraline defines and exemplifies bravery by refusing to give up on finding her parents—even if it becomes a matter of life and death for herself.

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