Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Why was Martin Luther King, Jr. such a powerful figure in American history?

Martin Luther King was a pivotal figure in American life during a time of extreme transformation of society, the 1960s. This was the period following the violent assassination of a president (JFK) and later, his brother Robert Kennedy, as well as the Vietnam War, women's struggle for rights, and mass migration of African-Americans to northern cities. The passage of the Civil Rights Act in 1964 attempted to put into law protections for individuals who had faced social, political and economic discrimination, and King at the forefront of that movement. Like Ghandi, King was able to preach a positive message--the equality of all citizens, particularly equal protection in a land of laws. His counterparts in the civil rights movement had some success with messages of overcoming oppression, but none had the King's universal appeal. Malcolm X, for example, attempted to unify the black community with a message of pride in their African heritage and rejecting white norms such as Christianity. But Malcolm X's message was threatening not only to the powerful elite, but to many ordinary citizens. King, conversely, appealed to white society with a message of spirituality founded in the Bible, a doctrine white America could relate to. King preached peace, used non-violent protest, and stood behind the rule of law. His leadership unified at a time when unification was desperately needed. Ultimately, King was a realist; he preached about the promised land and how "I may not get there with you" (prophesying his early death), but within his realism was a profound faith in law, civility and spirituality. King had the right message at the right time, when violence was playing itself out across society from the riots in Watts (and many other large cities) to the Black Panther movement to sit-ins on college campuses. His non-violent beliefs were consistent with his actions through all of it, and his message of peace and unity still resonates among many Americans today.

Martin Luther King, Jr. was such a powerful figure in American history because he was an incredibly prominent figure within the civil rights movement. MLK was an absolutely outstanding orator who used his artistic, moving, and powerful speaking ability to help bring about a cultural shift within the United States as he helped push for racial justice. Not only was MLK a powerful speaker, but he also was a brave individual who was arrested numerous times as he courageously took to the streets with his comrades to fight for radical social, political, and economic change that would ameliorate the brutal oppression black people experienced every day in America.
While MLK was a powerful force, he was also a gentle soul who encouraged every American to open their hearts to an integrated, interracial society. MLK imagined a world in which people could love each other and form meaningful bonds free from the brutal constraints of racism. When listening to a recorded speech of King's, it is difficult not to feel deeply moved by his vision, passion, and strength.

One of the primary reasons why Dr. King was such a powerful figure in American history was his willingness to embrace transformation in civic discourse. Dr. King was distinctive in the way he understood that Civil Rights in America recognized a voice of transformation. Dr. King was able to articulate thought that transformed the issue of Civil Rights from a political issue to a human issue with moral implications. Dr. King's framing of the paradigm was one where individuals who stood in the way of Civil Rights were demonstrating a resistance to human dignity. In this manner, his advocacy is distinctive.
The transformative nature of Dr. King's voice was in his embrace of love. The ethic of love as a universal quality that should be afforded to all human beings spoke to all Americans in the fight for Civil Rights. Dr. King understood the philosophical significance of his position. In advocating that followers embrace the ethics of love and compassion over bitterness and resentment, Dr. King suggested that human bondage can be overcome from a psychological frame of reference as opposed to a strictly political one. Dr. King asserted a form of thought in which individuals could openly embrace what can be as opposed to what is. It is in this regard where Dr. King's words resonate far beyond the Civil Rights battlefront. In any struggle for recognition, Dr. King's philosophical message exists. Dr. King articulated a frame of understanding that sought to reach the individual on both spiritual and political levels. In asserting that both notions of the good were critical to modern human beings, Dr. King was a transformative voice that was both a part of the historical dialogue, but also transcended it. The ability to inspire individuals to see what can be from what is through the power of love and solidarity is where Dr. King's significance lies.

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