Friday, March 9, 2018

What are some of the causes of global warming?

Global warming is mainly caused by the human intervention in nature. Some greedy wants of human being force him/her to exploit the nature for fulfilling its demand. The biggest reason for global warming is over emissions of CO2 (Carbon dioxide) in the atmosphere. The rising demand of fossil fuel to fulfill the need of manufacturing and transportation is the main reason for emission of carbon dioxides in the atmosphere. Another reason for releasing carbon dioxide is deforestation, which means removing forest. Deforestation increases carbon emission by reducing forest which helps to absorb carbon dioxide with the help of releasing oxygen in the atmosphere.

After CO2, Methane is also a greenhouse gas, which causes global warming. Methane is produced from rice paddies when under anaerobic decomposition, the organic matter breaks down by bacteria. Another factor for releasing methane is methane clathrate. Also, rising use of chemical fertilizer on the croplands creates a high level of nitrate in the ground level which makes a dead zone in the ocean.

Global warming has the effect of melting ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica, which cause the sea level to rise. It also causes an increase in cyclones, extinction of species and coral reefs.


The main contributors to global warming are from the release of the gasses carbon dioxide and methane. The more of each of these, and other gasses, that are released into the atmosphere, the more heat from the Sun will be trapped inside of our atmosphere. As the global temperature rises, more and more methane is going to be released from tundras and glaciers that has not been in the atmosphere for thousands of years due to being trapped in a frozen state.
The largest contributor to global warming by humans is factory farming. Fertilization is heavily reliant on fossil fuels, animal farming creates massive amounts of methane and nitrogen released into the environment. As the demand for food such as meat, milk and eggs increases with the global population, these impacts will only increase.
The second largest contributor to global warming by humans is the transportation industry because of fossil fuels. When fossil fuels are burned they release carbon dioxide which adds to the increase in temperature of the planet overall.
All types of plants, trees and coral reefs all reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the air in order to breathe. Increased destruction of coral reefs and deforestation also contributes to global warming.

Global warming is a result of incresing carbon dioxide levels as well as other greenhouse gases, such as methane. Carbon dioxide is released primarily from human related activities, such as driving, deforestation, the burning of fossil fuels, factory use and pollution.
The greenhouse effect gets a bad title since it is assumed that it is a recent epidemic associated with recent activity. This is not completely true. The greenhouse effect makes it so our atmosphere absorbs, passes through and reflects some of the solar radiationfrom the sun by creating a ceiling type barrier of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. The greemhouse effect has been helpful to our planet by maintaining a certain level of warmth to efficiently live on this planet and not enter into an ice age. Although this is a good thing, everything is good in moderation. Once us humans began to industrialize our lives and modernize our expectations on how we live, we simultaneously increased our fossil fuel use which increased the greenhouse effect. This leads us to a warmer planet or what we consider, global warming.

Global warming is the climatic change of the earth's atmosphere and its related effects caused by the settling of carbon dioxide, greenhouse gases and other pollutants in the atmosphere, therefore trapping sunlight rays and radiations that bounce from the earth.
Uncontrolled human activities are the major cause of global warming. Activities such as burning of fossil fuels, farming, deforestation, and any other activity that promote the emission of the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, are the major causes of global warming.
Although fossil fuels are burnt to produce electricity and energy, carbon dioxide is produced during the process which is a major cause of global warming.
During farming, animals such as sheep, cattle and goats produce greenhouse gases like methane which also cause climatic change.
Humans also largely depend on timber for their everyday activities. This causes deforestation, while trees are important because they use up carbon dioxide and emit oxygen.

Global warming is caused by the greenhouse effect—and things that we as humans are doing to exacerbate this effect.
The more carbon dioxide that is released into the atmosphere, the more serious the greenhouse effect becomes. Things that cause more carbon dioxide to be released include the burning of fossil fuels, which takes place in the production of electricity and every time someone drives an ordinary car. Other vehicles, like motorbikes and airplanes, also contribute to this.
Trees help to reduce the greenhouse effect and global warming by using the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to make oxygen. Due to that, deforestation is another cause of global warming, because with fewer trees, there is more carbon dioxide.
Another gas which contributes to global warming is methane, which is emitted by trash in landfills. So, the wastefulness of humans and a shortage of recycling programs around the world is another cause of global warming.

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