Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Why didn't the pilgrims live in Jamestown?

Jamestown was the first settlement in the Virginia colony and was located on the James river. Jamestown was granted a royal charter in order to produce cash crops, notably tobacco, for sale. Individual investors in the Virginia Company expected these crops to produce sufficient revenues to repay the investments with interest.
The Pilgrims left England to escape persecution for their Puritan beliefs. It is likely that they initially planned on settling in Virginia; however, they did not arrive in Virginia. Instead, the Pilgrims arrived at Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts. Since Massachusetts was not a colony at this time, the Pilgrims drafted the Mayflower Compact to govern life in the settlement. Later, a royal charter was granted to the Massachusetts Bay Company to found the Massachusetts colony, which encompassed the lands then settled by the Pilgrims.

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