Sunday, September 18, 2016

When Poor Richard discusses the invention of the telescope and the orbits of planets around the sun, what does he assume about his readership?

Franklin's relationship to his reader in the Almanac is one of equality. That is, while Franklin may think of himself as a kind of educator, he is never condescending to his reader, even when explaining complex topics like astronomy. Rather, he appeals to his reader on the basis of common sense: much of the comic tone of the almanac comes from Franklin's tacit recognition that he and his reader share certain common values and beliefs.
This extends to his discussion of Copernicus, for example. After explaining the Copernican "system of the world" (and noting that Pythagoras had had the same idea 2,000 years before), he launches into a succinct comparison of the Copernican and Ptolemaic systems. This explanation does not pander to his audience; Franklin even references the work of a modern astronomer, "Mr. Whiston," who provides figures for the size of the sun and its distance from earth. These facts are evidence of the truth of Copernicus's system, but Franklin is not here engaging in argument, nor does he appear to assume that his reader is ignorant of Copernicus.
This sense of familiarity with his reader is best expressed by a concluding joke. Franklin compares Ptolemy to a "whimsical Cook," who, rather than rotating his meat on a spit over the fire, instead has the fire whirling around the meat! This analogy serves to show "how much more natural is Copernicus's Scheme," but also exemplified the kind of easy, joking relationship Franklin has with his audience.

Benjamin Franklin, under the pseudonym "Poor Richard", acted as America's general education teacher with his writings, much like Bill Nye the Science Guy is today. He took it upon himself to write about a wide array of subjects so that the average individual who reads his paper would receive a broad overview of different subjects in an easily digestible way.
When Franklin discusses the invention of the telescope and the motion of the planets, it is clear that he is talking to laymen. His phrasing does not include technological jargon or overly complex language that would confuse the average reader, and makes sure to go over a broad range of topics within these categories, instead of going in depth on a subject that they have never heard of before.

Ben Franklin, writing as "Poor Richard," sought to inform his readership about the workings of the solar system, to demystify the process of scientific observation, and to challenge some of the prevailing, unscientific attitudes about astronomy. By using simple words and a clear, explanatory voice, Franklin is locating his work in the broad Enlightenment tradition. He makes it clear that scientific knowledge belongs to everyone, not just an elite able to speak a particular jargon. He clearly regards his readers as intelligent laypeople, who may lack a technical background but can understand concepts explained through clear analogies to everyday experience.
Franklin also uses this voice to lampoon and satirize some of the common unscientific explanations for astronomical events. By puncturing these theories, he is trying to show that truth can belong to everyone, and that even those who claim to be experts can fall into error.

Poor Richard was the pseudonym for Benjamin Franklin. In Poor Richard's Almanack, Franklin attempted to provide wisdom, news, and entertainment to the colonists. Franklin was a world-renowned scientist who had a large following in Europe as well as the United States. Franklin realized that his readership did not have his scientific background but they had an interest in stargazing. Franklin reported on developments with the telescope and planetary tables in order to enlighten his readership. The goal was for his readers to appreciate the science behind astronomy and to do away with superstitions. Franklin was always challenging the "knowledge" held in superstitious beliefs and he encouraged his readership to do the same. Franklin's astronomy tables also had practical applications as many people used the stars and planets for navigation. Before the electric light, the night sky was quite visible. Franklin knew that astronomy was a major part of everyone's life and he wished to report the latest developments in the field.

"Poor Richard" was the pseudonym of Benjamin Franklin. As Poor Richard, Franklin published Poor Richard's Almanack. The yearly publication was popular among the American colonists during Franklin's time.
The almanac was not written for academic intellectuals and scientific scholars, but for the layperson. Rather than complicated explanations on the weather, astronomical phenomena and scientific inquiries, Poor Richard's Almanack featured clever wordplay and other literary tropes that entertained the common person.
Even the pseudonym that Franklin chose reflected his intended readers. By adopting the name Poor Richard, Franklin was able to relate with the uneducated colonists. Franklin himself stated that education should be available to all colonists, not just to the wealthy elite.
In the articles about the invention of the telescope and the orbits of planets around the sun, Benjamin Franklin assumed the role of the teacher—possessing great knowledge that seemed esoteric to the common people—but he wrote them in an entertaining and simple-worded fashion.
Having a background in science and philosophy, Franklin sought to disprove occultist beliefs and the supernatural. However, many of the colonists were religious common folk who still believed in superstitions. So when Franklin wrote his articles on the telescope and astronomy, he articulated scientific ideas with common person's beliefs in mind. Through Poor Richard's Almanack, Franklin sought to disprove old, anachronistic ideas with proven scientific knowledge.

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