Wednesday, September 10, 2014

In Orwell's 1984, how does the Party control the people through media?

In Orwell's 1984, how does the Party control the people through media?

Media control is central to Orwell's 1984 and is expertly controlled by the Party in order to control the populace. The media is used in several different ways:
To rewrite history - The Ministry of Truth literally changes history, through misinformation and false reporting, as well as destruction of existing histories. Historical news is rewritten, so that anyone who chooses to research the past is only presented with the facts that the Ministry wishes them to see.
To make the irrational rational - Mass media is used to gaslight the people, transforming what was once rational thought (war is bad, peace is good) into a new message, training the people that contradictory beliefs are the correct ones (War Is Peace, Slavery Is Freedom). Once people buy into those messages, it becomes much easier to subvert their independent thinking and put an end to any questions.
Control of information - Free thought becomes illegal, and self-expression is discouraged. The only outside information that the people consume is that supplied by the Party, ensuring that no one realizes there are other options or messages to be heard.
Linguistics - There is no longer an impartial media. All words are carefully crafted to deliver a specific message, and all messages are designed to support the Party and its policies. Euphemisms replace open honesty and descriptors are no longer judgement free. Instead, every word is designed to support the Party while disabling any sort of independent or contradictory thought.

The regime uses the media to drive home its propaganda messages. In Oceania, there must be no trace of independent thought; everyone must only think what the Party wants them to think. The media exists, not to enlighten, inform, or entertain the people, but simply to manipulate their emotions and control their minds.
The citizens of Oceania have had their capacity for critical thinking and self-expression systematically removed by the regime, the better to keep them in a state of permanent subjection. Through films, newspapers, and endless propaganda broadcasts, the regime creates an alternative universe in which facts, reason, and evidence have no value whatsoever. Newspeak distorts language, issuing in contradictory slogans such as "Peace is War" and "Freedom is Slavery." And the so-called Ministry of Truth, where Winston works, does nothing but disseminate lies on a daily basis.

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