Saturday, November 2, 2013

How does norm conformity benefit individuals?

Norms are shared rules that define standard behavior among group members. Norms may be established for small groups, such as a group of friends, or for large groups, such as college students. Norms are important for establishing or distinguishing a group.
Conformity means to comply with the established rules. Therefore, norm conformity involves following the rules of the group and avoiding behaviors that stray from the group's standard behavior.
Individuals may benefit from norm conformity because it gives them a sense of belonging. By following the norms of a group, they may be more easily accepted and develop more friendships. This is also beneficial to individuals on sports teams. For example, on game day some sports teams dress up for school and wear a tie to classes prior to the game. This builds a team bond and strengthens team spirit, leading to a better game performance.

Norm conformity is a social construct within a group or shared community which implies rule or normativity. Norm conformity allows consistency and a sense of tradition within a given community. It benefits individuals by building a conscious structure to one's everyday life within that culture.
One of the most valuable things pertaining to the human experience is the sense of belonging. Being aware of the societal norms and meeting those expectations allows an individual to fit into their desired community or group. When one meets these expectations, society rewards them by providing social support.

Norms refer to an implicit and mutually agreed upon set of rules that dictate the acceptable standards of thought and behavior in a particular social setting or context. Individuals are said to conform to norms when their behaviours are in alignment with these established standards and do not deviate markedly from them. This involves making choices and decisions that are normatively approved and accepted.
While conformity to norms is often conceived as harmful to the expression of individuality, it can offer certain benefits. Social acceptance is perhaps the chief advantage of norm conformity. When individuals conform to norms, they are perceived as responsible citizens and ideal members of the society. For this, they are rewarded actively with praise and respect from others around them, or passively by not being rejected or judged.
Other benefits include the desire to maintain peace and stability in social functioning. Abiding by rules and regulations minimizes conflict and maximizes cooperation among individuals, even if it may only be at the surface level. Norm conformity can also be used instrumentally to help individuals attain their personal goals, such as helping one attain a job promotion, earning a degree, impressing someone of romantic interest and so on.

Norms are defined as the set of implicit rules shared within a group that dictate how individuals should think, behave, and communicate. Conformity is the process by which an individual abides by these norms in order to fit into a particular group. Rather than standing apart, a conforming person attempts to blend in.
There are numerous benefits for the individual who conforms to the norms of a group. The most obvious of these is social support. One who fits in with a group will inevitably earn the trust and respect of others in that group, thereby gaining a social support system via relationship-building. This is ostensibly what drives people to conform: most people have an innate desire to belong and feel accepted. To achieve this, one might be willing to conform.
Another potential benefit of conformity could be that one is able to improve based on the standards of those with whom one associates. For instance, if one enters a social group of academically successful intellectuals, one might begin to improve one’s grades in order to fit in with the group. In that case, the group norms influenced the individual to work harder. While he or she was motivated to improve because of the pressure to conform, he or she still experienced growth and success. This is just one specific way in which norm conformity can improve one’s performance.

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