Saturday, November 24, 2012

What is the meaning and significance of the words on Dr. Faustus' arm, "homo fuge; fly, O man!"?

In fact,"Homo fuge" are Latin words which literally mean, man fly! Dr.Faustus signs a pact to mortgage his soul to Lucifer in return of devils' service. He signs it with his blood by cutting his arm. when the wound is getting sealed immediately, these words "Homo fuge" appear on the sealing wound which means man fly!This is taken to be a divine message that has been sent to forewarn Faustus not to engage in any deals with devils.These words also have a biblical reference in which Paul convincing Timothy not to run after money which is obviously root of all evils. Indeed, Faustus is saturated with all kinds of worldly knowledge and wants to venture into the pseudo discipline of black magic which is forbidden by the religion.So, he is warned by a supernatural message " Homo fuge" which hints Faustus to stop his devil pursuit and fly away from blasphemy.

"Homo fuge" is simply the Latin for "Fly, man!" These words appear on Faustus's arm after he makes his diabolical pact with the Devil, selling his soul in return for twenty-four years of incredible power. The words refer to a verse in the Bible, 1 Timothy 6:11.

But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness. (KJV)

Here, St. Paul urges Timothy to fight the good fight, to turn aside from the things of this world to focus on what really matters to a Christian. The above passage comes right after Paul's famous warning that love of money is the root of all evil.
It's ironic indeed that the words "Homo fuge" should appear on Faustus's arm at this point. Instead of fleeing the world and flying towards God's righteousness, God's love, this man—Faustus—is actually about to go in the opposite direction; to embark upon a life of earthly power and wealth. In any case, Faustus is trapped; having made his bargain with Lucifer, he cannot flee to God, for he's certain that the Almighty will cast him straight down to hell.

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