Saturday, November 17, 2012

Assess organized crime's threats to the supply chain, and compare differences, if any, before and after 9/11.

Organized crime can be gang- or mob-related, but in this case, since we're discussing 9/11, I will discuss it in relation to terror groups. Organized crime can pose a significant threat to supply chain. For example, we will look at Somali pirates and their impact on shipping lanes in the Atlantic ocean. Crime groups have two main objectives with regards to supply chain: disrupt and control. If they can disrupt a supply chain somehow, they will limit the goods going to or from a country, some of these quite vital. If they control them, they can take over the shipments and use them for their own benefit (particularly if they are weapons shipments).
Prior to 9/11, this was a less common occurrence. Organized crime tended to attack and take over supply chains simply for their own benefit, wanting additional resources to sell in order to profit their organization or to use as weapons. Since then, however, the war on terror has created organized resistance, and supply chains are being disrupted to demonstrate control and engender fear. If a terror group is unlikely to be able to take control of goods in transit but they are still able to destroy or disrupt the shipment, they will do so because it harms their enemy.
Another aspect of supply chain disruption has come from smuggling explosives into ports. There have been several instances where explosives have been placed within shipping containers and made it into American ports before being discovered. The United States has had to develop a more sensitive and elaborate scanning technology to detect explosives and other hidden threats.

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