Monday, July 18, 2016

How would you characterize the business practices of Time Safari Inc in "A Sound of Thunder"?

Time Safari is an extraordinarily dubious business venture. Even before addressing the utter irresponsibility which permeates its entire business model (given the risks involved), it is worth noting that the company itself only maintains its existence through government corruption (as Eckels is told, "we have to pay a big graft to keep our franchise"). In addition, it's also worth pointing out that the company lacks vetting procedures for its clients and is dangerously lax about security and safeguards.
Of course, on an even deeper level, the entire business model amounts to insanity, given the risks involved. This is a technology with the capacity to wipe out all of human history, or irrevocably alter it—a fact which Time Safari and its agents are well aware of, but they carry on regardless for the purposes of selling hunting expeditions. The story establishes the disastrous results of this irresponsibility, with Eckels panicking and, in the process, reshaping the course of human history.

It's safe to say that Time Safari Inc wouldn't earn too many plaudits from the Better Business Bureau. It's a pretty disreputable business which thinks nothing of taking enormous risks with the future of humanity by going back in time and giving big-game hunters the opportunity to bag dinosaurs.
The company has lots of rules in place to ensure that the future isn't accidentally changed, but one gets the impression that these are just there to cover their backsides in the event of litigation. In actual fact, there's nothing to stop any of the hunters straying from the path and taking pot shots at animals whose killing has not been approved by the company. It's therefore deeply irresponsible for Time Safari Inc to put temptation in the way of its clients just so they can get their greedy hands on their money.
No matter how many rules and regulations they may have in place, the company is playing fast and loose with the future of humankind. It is this unspeakable practice above all which makes Time Safari Inc such a disreputable business.

One could characterize the business practices of Time Safari, Inc. as risky, shady, and questionable. The business model of Time Safari, Inc. is to send people back in time, via a Time Machine, where they can experience the thrills of hunting a prehistoric dinosaur. One of the Safari guides, Mr. Travis, describes the Time Safari as a "finicky business" and mentions that they have to pay a "big graft" to keep their franchise. He also tells Eckels that the government does not want them traveling into the past because of the extreme risk involved. Travis goes on to elaborate on the butterfly effect and emphasizes the importance of following each rule during the Time Safari. He explains the importance of staying on the floating Path, shooting only the specific dinosaur with red paint on its body, and not altering the environment of the past in any way. The fact that Time Safari, Inc. has to pay a "big graft" in order to remain in business indicates that their company is engaged in shady business practices. Travis's emphasis on following the rules and his explanation of the butterfly effect also indicate that Time Safari, Inc. engages in risky business practices. The dangerous nature of the Time Safari coupled with the government's negative opinion of the franchise further illustrate that Time Safari, Inc. engages in controversial, questionable business practices.

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